Friday, March 22, 2013

Cheers to the freakin' weekend!

Happy Friday all!
I don't know about you but this week and classes have been dragging on. All I can say is thank goodness it's Friday! It's a gorgeous day here at UCF and since I do not have any classes to grace with my presence on Fridays, I will enjoy every minute of it!
This weekend, my friend Jen and her boyfriend David are coming to stay with my suite mates (Kara and Krista) and I. Weekends are for relaxing, having fun, and.....getting caught up on homework :p If the weather permits, we may take a trip to the beautiful Cocoa Beach! :)

I figured since this is my second post and all, you all should learn a little more about me! So, I stole this survey from my sister:

A. Age: 18
B. Bed size: Twin...dorm beds these days :p
C. Chore that you hate: Cleaning hair out of any type of drain...makes me cringe!
D. Dogs: Love them. I am definitely more of a dog person!
E. Essential start to your day: Shower. It wakes me up and I start my day off right...CLEAN!
F. Favorite Color: Lately my eyes have been drawn to Turquoise 
G. Gold or Silver: Silver
H. Height: 5'5
I. Instruments you play: Unfortunately, none :O
J. Job Title: Student
K. Kids: Definitely in the future!
L. Live: Orlando, Florida
M. Mother's name: Jen 
N. Nicknames: Lynds
O. Overnight hospital stays: Almost when my sister had my nephew, Liam <3
P. Pet peeves: When people file their nails (yikes!) and when I know I am being lied to.
Q. Quote from a movie: : "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once and a while, you might miss it." (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
R. Right or Left handed: righty
S. Siblings: My favorite (and only :p) older sister Jess <3
T. Time you wake up: It varies depending on my classes but somewhere between 9-10.
U. Underwear: Victoria's Secret
V. Vegetable you hate: Celery is awful.
W. What makes you run late: I have a very poor perception of time...oops.
X. X-Rays you've had: Broke my arm when I was 6 while singing Grease and jumping from a spinning footrest to the couch. Listen to your parents about jumping on furniture!
Y. Yummy food that you make: I can make some darn good Oreo brownies!
Z. Zoo Animal: Giraffes! I can thank my sister for that :p

It's time for me to go kick math's butt! (And look stylish while doing it ;) )

TGIF and have a great weekend! <3

And so it begins!

Hello World!
Starting college can be very exciting and intimidating at the same time. So, being in my second semester of my freshman year at the University of Central Florida (and with a little push from my older sister Jess), I have decided to start a blog of my my experiences at college to maybe help out college bound students or just for current college students who can relate! Here is a tad bit about my quirky self:

My name is Lyndsey. I am a freshman at the University of Central Florida!

Currently I am majoring in Event Management and will pursue a career as a Wedding Coordinator later on down the road...
(psh, don't I wish!) ;)

I have 2 FANTASTIC best friends!
(they are in fact twins!)
 A LOVELY older sister!
(who has a blog herself! Jess' Blog!)
And an AMAZING boyfriend of 2 and 1/2 years!

I consider myself a pretty goofy person and love to share my ideas and thoughts! Stick around and you'll learn much more about me, my life, and maybe some tips on how to survive in college! :)